Pastor Donnie Swaggart, son of disgraced pastor, Jimmy Swaggart, has come under fire for his open rebuke of the Black Church.
While speaking at his father's church, Family Worship Center in Baton Rouge, LA, Pastor Donnie Swaggart chastised the Black Church for its seeming support of VP Kamala Harris.
Pastor Swaggart specifically called out The Church of God in Christ (COGIC) and Bishop Drew Sheard.
Swaggart took issue with Bishop Sheard's support for VP Harris.
According to Swaggart, Harris's stance on abortion and women's right to choose and her support of LGBTQIA issues are antithetical to Christianity.
While abortion and LGBTQIA issues seem to be Swaggart's litmus test for Christianity, he failed to mention other issues that many view as issues of morality.
For example, the Unites States has the highest incidents of gun violence and school shootings among developed nations.
The United States also has more people incarcerated per capital than even Russia.
Between 2017-2021, hate crimes spiked in the US, as emboldened white supremacists unabashedly marched through Charlottesville.
Swaggart also failed to recognize that some see a huge difference in temperament and moral character between the two main presidential candidates.
Finally, Pastor Swaggart failed to highlight the historical reasons why Black people in general overwhelming gravitate towards one particular political party.
Sadly, Swaggart offered no critique of White evangelicalism, which has seen a precipitously decline in church attendance as it wrestles with women ministers, LGBT clergy, increasing national diversity, and legacy of racism.
In a world rife with problems, its unfortunate that some would use their platform within the Church to sow division and widen the fault lines instead of being a catalyst for unity.
I am a Black Christian. Obviously you people are not true believers in Jesus and the Bible, because what Donnie Swaggart said is NOT his opinion, nor a “litmus” for who is a true believer. He based what he said on the Bible.
Abortion, baby murder, is child sacrifice! Homosexuality is a sin and abomination in God’s sight. That is exactly what the Bible says in both the Old and New Testaments, but you wouldn’t know that either because you all are Satanists pretending to be Christians, or you just don’t read the Bible.
Kamala said at her rally that Jesus was not welcome, and she stands for baby murdering abortionists, transgender, cross-dressing, sexualizing children and encouraging children to explore…